task of job creation and the eradication of unemployment must be tackled at all
fronts. National Economic Growth and Development can only be achieved when new businesses
become viable and thriving. The great Economic Revolution in the Asia peninsula
was not achieved overnight through the establishment of gigantic industrial
complexes and big corporations, but by the creation of Small and Medium Scale
businesses on a mass scale, at every nook and cranny, and in every community.
the government of Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan is going to town celebrating the
level of Foreign Direct Investment into the country via the establishment of
large scale industrial complexes in some states, (kudos to them by the way) it is
critical to understand that Small Businesses birthed, incubated and nurtured
into thriving enterprises is the sure bet to Economic Growth and Income Distribution.
For one thing, jobs will be created, more direct impact will be made at the
local economy and wealth will be more equally distributed. By the way, one has to
analyse the nature of the $6.8 Billion FDI purported to have been received into
the country in 2012 but I hope it is not hot money that will develop wings at the press of a
button! This is a topic for another day.
imagine 1000 new cottage businesses created in each local government area, employing
10 people and making goods and services for both local consumption and for
export even to neighboring countries. This will create over 3.5 million direct
jobs not minding other indirect jobs created along the value chain. Local communities will begin to take comparative advantage of their peculiar endowments.(I recall
that most of the packaged bananas on shelves in most Nigeria supermarkets are
imported from the Republic of Cameroon! The same goes for ginger syrup among
other products! Yet Nigeria has more arable land than Cameroon and with similar weather conditions).
impediments to business creation are not the lack of Financial Capital but lack
of ideas and information on markets opportunities. Government agencies in both local and state government levels should
do more in bringing to fore, the opportunities that abound and markets that
exists in different locations for local investors to key into. Investors can be
in a paid employment but would want to build business enterprises either for retirement
or as a secondary source of income. Most workers have the
finances, time and the interest to develop businesses but not the information. Yours sincerely manages this blog as a ‘mid-night’ business taking one hour daily at the cool of the night. My
job is therefore to avail you enough information to visualize any business, birth
same and incubate it into profiting and income generation. As a business
researcher, I shall not only introduce viable business ideas but avail you the
information required to make well researched investment decisions, on the
- · Available business opportunity in your local community.
- · Sources of Raw material
- · Size of the market
- · How and where to sell your products and services to both local and foreign markets
- · Access to finance
- · Legal and Licensing matters (where applicable)
- · Machinery and Equipment sourcing and quotes
- · Technology
does not matter if you are interested in short term investment or generation-next
investment for your children, I shall undertake research studies, pre-feasibility
studies and business plan development to suit you
therefore enjoin you to make frequent visit here for more.